Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 1 > Teacher Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 6 Lesson 3

Surf for More Math

Lesson 3 – Finding Combinations of Ten

To encourage students to have fun on the Web while learning about Finding Combinations of 10, here are some games and interactive activities they can do on their own or in pairs.



Explore part-whole combinations.

Use the commutative property.


Instructions for Use

Catch 10 prompts students find combinations of numbers that add to ten.

To use Catch 10, click on sets of blocks that add to ten.

Penguin Pins lets students find combinations of numbers that add to ten.

To use Penguin Pins, click on the "10 penguins" button. A bowling ball will strike some penguins and leave others standing. Answer the questions, and click the "Check" button to see if the answers are correct. Click the "Reset" button to play again.
